Community Village Meeting Minutes 2-8-2024

Council Present: Diane, Sam, David H, Tim, Nathan, Omo, shadows: Banjo, Kelsey, 73 villagers total
Not: Karla, Sara

Set intention  (5)
Agenda Review (5)
Fair Announcements   (10)
Site Report, David (5)
Consensus Rap – Sam (10)
Construction Report – Diane (10)
One Fun Thing – Sam (10)
Late night amplified music: proposal discussion – Karla (30)
Activist/Booth Reports (20)
Added Items?
Non-Fair announcements (10)
Strokes n Pokes  (5)


Set intention (5) Sam facilitates…

Agenda Review (5)

Fair Announcements (10)

Please update booth coord info so the website can be updated. Confirem booth =coord if unchanged, or send new name and contact info to

Are you an Elder? See the elder’s website:

Site Report, David (5)

Deep river made gouges on 13th near village. Little People tree is still there, working on getting OCF attention to deal with it. Walkable now, take a hike. Be careful…

Consensus Rap – Sam (10)

Sam: Many people think the most important part of consensus is the counting, but no, it’s the keep talking part to find our way to consensus. We keep talking to find something we can all live with, and think about what’s gonna be best for ALL of the group. My voice is only one part. Except sometime, if something is harmful for the whole group, to the whole community, is against our core values, a block could be appropriate. Sometimes we have to meet about it over and over to get it right… Consensus is a very efficient process because everyone ends up happy with no problems down the road,
Omo: Somebody said that if you block, you have at most 3 blocks in your life. Gave an example of blocking that changed consensus in Peace Choir. Trust in each other is key, to all of us to not be invested in our own personal view.
David: another advantage is people get to have input, become a piece of the action..
Brian: Same thing, only seems to take more time.
Skeeter: I have been here since 1977, the consensus process originated from anti – nuclear work with affinity groups, and the only way you have the power to block is if you had agreed with principles of unity, you were not on the bus, you could not block. We do not use consensus minus 1, we use pure and 1 could block. Read the guidelines about us to new people. Gotta be on the bus with our guidelines, or you can’t do thumbs down.
See our mission stuff on the website:

Construction Report – Diane (10)

Diane read from Rick’s email report: Prolly no major booth rebuild, glad we have 4 construction passes. He’s an elder but will keep volunteering and hopes to teach skills for a replacement carpenter who will develop a good relationship with OCF carpenters and booth coord construction folks. He appreciates Council help. (see Rock’s email at the very bottom of these notes)

One Fun Thing – Sam (10)

Sam reads a poem. Not his favorite, but among them…
 One Summer Day by Mary Oliver
“Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean—
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down—
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
—Mary Oliver”
Other comments: Make a choice to support Ukraine. Omo making music at Reality Kitchen Feb 17. Compost, Read. Learn to use my smart phone…

Late night amplified music: proposal discussion – Sam (30)

Proposal consented by Committee:
“We will occasionally consider entertainment after hours on Friday only if it ends by 10pm and does not exceed a predetermined measurable level. If there is a person that arrives to perform with their act or other musical activity after the last Village meeting, where consensus of their act could be sought, the council will present to Friday morning Circle for CV feedback. We are not advertising our stage as an official Friday night venue.”

Jain: appreciates the work. Also an OCF discussion with various committees under discussion with reports expected by October. She is OK with the proposal
Fred or Skeeter: Is this just about amplified music, fine a line here… “Play sometimes, but be cool.” Likes it.
Flannery: could not unmute… see the Chat comments below.
David H: This policy is nice for us, could influence the OCF policy work. Don’t want band to ignore when asked to be quieter. Safety: hearing loss issue is possible after 80 decibels. Health threat.
Ingrid: Her kids can be really loud, too. Fine as long as it’s reasonable, good verbiage in proposal.
Tim: Figured Saturday was taken with other activities, so that evening was not discussed by Committee.
Brett: Liked a Friday thing that was the cafe theme, it was nice. Got good feedback. Took a lot of organizing.
John Alexander: Let’s not make a fast decision at OCF. Still gathering input.
Tim: café is the exact thing this proposal had in mind when we crafted it.
David H: Send proposal to the OCF so they are waiting and seeking more input. Proposal is a good draft.
Chaone: brought concerns to committee to hash them out. Suspects that there a lot of villagers who may not want amplified sound at all. Issues: sound creep, but…really? Fairness of who chooses the act…multiple competing acts possible, maybe not in the hands of Council, but did consent to the proposal. Who would oversee…Pleado did not want to do it checking sound level. The proposal says it’s in Council’s hand.
Scotty: During fair would be tricky to make a decision, the Council is good for that with guidelines, 2 council members should be there supervising during the performance.
Kelsey: This seems to be coming from last year’s event…the stage crew was involved, the band had their own gear, so no extra work on Pleado. Monitoring…band would need to respect requests to turn down. Treating each other with respect is important.
David R: Likes to go to entertainment camp for music. Other things go on at CV more open to open mike.
Sam: We could add Council people requirement from Scotty, Council would hold decibel meter
Omo: Deciding process should go to council people. Wants no amplified music after hours unless Village creates something. Says we are not allowed amplified after hours sound unless approved by OCF (not true); except we made our own plan. We should wait and fit our guidelines to the new OCF result expected in the Fall.  
Jain: Is OK with this policy until OCF may have a different one.
Chaone reads proposed (or present) OCF guidelines.  Committee proposal covers their issues.
Skeeter: Good job, Sam. Has anyone asked to join yet for 2024? Maybe have a CV jam done by 10:30-11:00 as an example of not bothering neighbors or kids. Let’s do that.
Omo: Had root canal today, is tired of this discussion.
Sam: Checking in. Re-reads proposal. Concerns that it might be a slippery slope, might be too loud, disagree about Omo mentioned about our current rule. This proposal may say what we really do now. Show of hands who would stand aside?… See 4 stand asides. Blocks? None
Sam: takes recommendation to committee to meet again. Just Chaone and Tim are present tonight. Contact Tim if you wanna do committee work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Activist/Booth Reports (20)

Cecilia for the Gurl Scouts. “Hello, My name is Cecilia Rutledge and as most of you know I am a girl scout. The Girl Scouts is an organization founded in 1912 by Juliet Gordon Low. Girl Scouts are devoted to making the world a better place, and helping whenever we can, and while some troops may be more active in their communities than others, we all do our best. I was 4 years old when I joined the Girl Scouts and I have participated in activities such as river clean ups, Girl scout conventions and service projects. We fund these things by selling cookies. When you see girl scouts at every store and street corner, it helps to know that we aren’t just pestering you about sweets in order to pay for summer camps, and other fun things. The money from the cookies is what keeps our troop going by paying for things like supplies, meeting spaces, and even having the troop be an official part of the girl scouts. The money also funds the service projects we do like trash pickups, and even helping to build things in our communities. So that is why I’m here again, to ask you to help me reach my cookie goal. So that I can do my part for my community. Thank you.” Buy my cookies.

Would be great to hear about all and new booth members, so this is the first one from Booth Stories.

Youth Power Shontel: Is a  location for 8-13 year olds to hang out, the 3 chip deal is our mantra, sponsoingr growth on the kids. This last year tweens wanted some different things. Bulldoggers did not want to show up. ”Free security training” is what we called it. Pretty challenging to just sit there, had a hard time with just $3.00 per shift with inflation. So focusing on leadership building rather than funds. Teens are a little different, less likely to show up with tweens, some social challenges.
Kelsey: Perhaps we could pass the hat at our in person meetings for Youth Power to help supplement what funds are missing to pay the kids. 🙂
If a child wants to participate, they are welcome to join us. Come and Have Fun!!
Shontel: Parents want to speak for their children, but it’s not up to parents to say… I was raised in a commune.. kids gotta wanna for it to really work and become leaders and CV members.
Carrie: Could this be partly about so many online meetings? Her kid loved making money, how can we donate money with fewer CV in person meetings?
Shontel: We have had help by donated money for 2 OCF massages, Scott likes this idea!!
Omo: How about a QR code posted for donations at the bulldog stations?
From OCF: The Teen Crew application for coordinators to request teens for your crew are a bit delayed. Fourwinds will be coming online soon. We will send out another email with the link to the Teen Crew Application when it’s ready, hopefully next week. Your previous username and password will work again this year. We will include helpful info on how to access the application as well.

Added Items?

Non-Fair announcements (10)

Omo: Tim and I are part of KindTtree – Autism Rocks, now in our 27th year. 2 art shows are up at Eugene Library (no sales), and VRC. Come check it out…!
March forth at the WOW hall Feb 9th.
Last weekend of April Master Gardener plant sale at fairgrounds
Rally at the U of O for Palestinian Peace, 1pm EMU
Growing peace coalition 2-10, 80 members, join us! Growers every other Thursday at 5pm 2-22,
A movie about Butch, a movie maker from Ukraine. Yuklia wants a way to find a space to attend. Consider: Talk to ED at Broadway Metro.
Sara with Little Village is performing vaudeville at Majestic Theater in Corvallis, comedy, music…

Strokes n Pokes (5)

Good to be here with everybody
So, so many “great job Sam” comments.
Frog says he likes live meetings better
Set Zoom to mute all at entry.

Zoom CHAT____________________

Sarah Hagen  to  Everyone 6:31 PM
Hi Jain!

Jain & Sue  to  Everyone 6:32 PM
Hi Sarah

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 6:32 PM

Alanna  to  Everyone 6:32 PM
Hi all, listening in from work

TIM  to  Everyone 6:32 PM
Set intention  (5)
Agenda Review (5)
Fair Announcements   (10)
Site Report, David (5)
Consensus Rap – Sam (10)
Construction Report – Diane (10)
One Fun Thing – Sam (10)
Late night amplified music: proposal discussion – Karla (30)
Activist/Booth Reports (20)
Added Items? 
Non-Fair announcements (10)
Strokes n Pokes  (5)

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 6:34 PM
I really appreciate that we’re on Zoom! We have 4 month old twins who just went to sleep!

Village David  to  Everyone 6:34 PM
See flood, tree pix via Drum

kimiko  to  Everyone 6:34 PM
Please mute, y’all

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 6:34 PM
Please remember to mute yourself unless you’re speaking

Alan Roberts  to  Everyone 6:35 PM
Express yourself. But only one at a time.
Who do I talk to about being an elder?

K’Rene Kos  to  Everyone 6:39 PM
Paxton’s fotos from The Drum:

Jain & Sue  to  Everyone 6:39 PM
Go to the elders website .

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 6:54 PM
Omo was talking about his other group’s policy
(comparing it)

Sarah Hagen  to  Everyone 6:58 PM

K’Rene Kos  to  Everyone 7:03 PM
JIC you wanna catch up on previous discusses about Late Night Amplified Music

Erin Moody 7:04 PM
Thank you!

K’Rene Kos 7:05 PM

TIM  to  Everyone 7:07 PM
The Proposal:
We will occasionally consider entertainment after hours on Friday only if it ends by 10pm and does not exceed a predetermined measurable level. If there is a person that arrives to perform with their act or other musical activity after the last Village meeting, where consensus of their act could be sought, the council will present to Friday morning Circle for CV feedback.
We are not advertising our stage as an official Friday night venue.

Chaone (Kai-ohn) Green Earth  to  Everyone 7:09 PM
Thanks for acknowledging that Sam, that it was hard emotional work.

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 7:10 PM

Tanya Stiller  to  Everyone 7:11 PM
Shall we quote Wintry Whitt…. “the worst meeting ever…”

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 7:11 PM
Peak Zoom

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 7:12 PM
Fred speaks my mind

Kelsey Kawders  to  Everyone 7:12 PM
That really was our one fun thing.

Alan Roberts  to  Everyone 7:12 PM
worst zoom meeting? I hope it gets better.

Laura R  to  Everyone 7:16 PM

K’Rene Kos  to  Everyone 7:17 PM
Dear Ingrid– Village kiddos are one thing, amplified music is another!

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 7:17 PM
We’ve gone back to campfire on Saturday night

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 7:17 PM
Ah okay (you can see I go to bed early)

Village David  to  Everyone 7:17 PM
Captions block Lip Reading.

John Flanery  to  Everyone 7:18 PM
The proposal requires Village consideration before entertainment is welcome. If we simply say “no amplified entertainment” then we can always make exceptions.

Alan Roberts  to  Everyone 7:18 PM
I love that campfire! Even if I’m trying to sleep, I love drifting off to the sounds of music.

Village David  to  Everyone 7:18 PM
Captions are better.

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 7:19 PM
Yes that was awesome but it did take a lot of organizing (the cafe thing)

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 7:20 PM
Thank you John Alexander!

K’Rene Kos  to  Everyone 7:21 PM
TY John!

Erin Moody  to  Everyone 7:26 PM
Yes! I also love music in village, and don’t know what sound level works for later evening.

Fred Roellig  to  Everyone 7:27 PM
Sound creep antidote is 50 dollar decibel meter

K’Rene Kos  to  Everyone 7:27 PM
Thanks Much to Plaedo!!

Village David  to  Everyone 7:27 PM
Decible Meter for us and in each Info Booth
Decible Meter at every stage with flashing alert at limit.

Fred Roellig  to  Everyone 7:30 PM
Wouldn’t be hard 

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 7:39 PM
an automated long wooden hook to remove people from the stage lol

John Flanery  to  Everyone 7:40 PM
Why are we discussing a policy to decide each case?  Let’s just decide each case!

Erin Moody  to  Everyone 7:41 PM
If there are people who want to point at rules, then we need to create a system for them.

Chaone (Kai-ohn) Green Earth  to  Everyone 7:41 PM
It’s a question whether we are technically required to get a permit from the Fair. Current wording suggests yes. But Plaedo said there is a lot of debate and contention at the larger Fair level.

Village David  to  Everyone 7:42 PM
     CV originally allowed amplified to allow acoustic singers only to be heard above Main Stage and S.G. amplified without hurting their throat. Just enough, not disturbing or dangerous.

Kelsey Kawders  to  Everyone 7:42 PM
Diane that was during fair hours. We are just talking about after hours.

Jain & Sue  to  Everyone 7:43 PM
Actually I thought it was very nice.  Just TOO LOUD.

Erin Moody  to  Everyone 7:45 PM
Are you volunteering, Tim?

Alan Roberts  to  Everyone 7:45 PM
I nominate Tim.

omo  to  Everyone 7:51 PM
defiantly over time not at time

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 7:54 PM

K’Rene Kos  to  Everyone 7:54 PM

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 7:55 PM
Buy GS cookies from her

Jeanette & Steve  to  Everyone 7:55 PM
Cecelia is so grown up!  Hi Sweetie! ❤

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 7:55 PM

Jyoti & Lily  to  Everyone 7:55 PM

Jeanette & Steve  to  Everyone 7:56 PM

Village David  to  Everyone 7:56 PM
Actually “At Time”, as in, “Ringing Of  The Ears” as in

Sam Rutledge  to  Everyone 7:57 PM

If you don’t want to eat cookies, a donation box will make a Meals on Wheels recipient very happy. Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts!

diane albino, she, her  to  Everyone 7:40 PM
How about no heavy metal or whatever that band was playing last year and the year before?

Katy Kate 7:42 PM
It wasn’t heavy metal, it was Eostar, and many people loved it. But Jain didn’t love it.

Jeanette & Steve 7:47 PM
Katy I appreciate your point…  though I believe it really was a heavy metal band – lots of young folk – and not Eostar. VERY different groups.

Katy Kate 8:00 PM
If we’re talking about the band that played on the Village stage on Friday night in 2022 and 2023, that was Eostar and Mathias.

Janet E Austin  to  Everyone 8:01 PM
Is there a way for teens to connect with volunteer opps?

Freda  to  Everyone 7:43 PM
HI All, I didn’t get an email about this meeting! Happy to see you all.

Scotty B 7:44 PM
I didn’t either. I just had to go the the website and find the zoom link

Tanya Stiller 7:58 PM

Katy Kate 8:01 PM
My email about this meeting came from my booth coordinator. Maybe ask your booth coordinator.

Village David  to  Everyone 7:48 PM
Safety. Time to possible Hearing Damage: 80db = 8 Hours / 105db-iPod = 4 1/2 MINUTES!!!

Tanya Stiller 8:02 PM
a least the drum tower has been quieter the last couple of years.

Kelsey Kawders  to  Everyone 8:00 PM
Perhaps we could pass the hat at our in person meetings for YP to help supplement. 🙂

Scotty B 8:03 PM
It would be great if there was a pass the hat link on the website. I want to donate to YP more but don’t know how.

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 8:04 PM

Erin Moody  to  Everyone 8:06 PM
Thanks for everything you do!! Youth Power was sooo good for the kiddo in my life. 

Jessica Lambright  to  Everyone 8:06 PM
Is there a Venmo or somewhere we can donate to YP?

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 8:06 PM
I’m still waiting on a cookie link

Sam Rutledge  to  Everyone 8:06 PM

If you don’t want to eat cookies, a donation box will make a Meals on Wheels recipient very happy. Thank you for supporting Girl Scouts!

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 8:07 PM
Thank you!

Kelsey Kawders  to  Everyone 8:07 PM
Maybe YP and council can brainstorm an online or Venmo way to donate.

B-real  to  Everyone 8:07 PM
I’m okay with a fund to bring cash incentives to the kiddos, but at the same time the village is a volunteer space and whether the kids like volunteering or not, they gain experience in it which is priceless.

Ingrid Scheel  to  Everyone 8:09 PM
FYI if you don’t want cookies but want to donate to CC’s cause the donated boxes go to Meals on Wheels 🙂

Yulia Brockdorf  to  Everyone 8:13 PM

Sam Rutledge  to  Everyone 8:14 PM
Maybe check with Ed at the Broadway Metro theater, and maybe check in with student groups about space at the EMU

Sarah Hagen  to  Everyone 8:15 PM

Jessica Lambright  to  Everyone 8:17 PM
Excellent facilitation, nice work!

Katy Kate  to  Everyone 8:17 PM
Sam you’re the best!! 🤩😎

EmaiI From: “Rick Boughton” 

Here is my report. I do not believe we have any major booth rebuilds this year. I anticipate a lot of general repairs however.  I appreciate that we have finally gotten to an understanding that we need 4 construction passes. I want to keep it at that level. 

 With 4 construction passes and input from booths supplying some qualified people we still end up with a number of people who work many more hours above what they should be expected to do. Additionally to get skilled workers is very difficult in the middle of June and July because  this is one of the busiest times of the year for carpenters. Not only is it summer but it’s early summer and they’re just trying to get caught up after the winter being slow . It would not be fair to continually ask people to work more than their fair share for a pass. It is also dangerous to work as many hours as certain people did with the time constraints and the amount of people around the work site. 

Liam and Christopher worked at least twice as much as anyone else other than myself on construction this year. Christopher did not get a pass from the community village he was the partner of the booth coordinator for the 4A booth. What we did as a crew was extraordinary . It’s not possible to get on the site before the end of may. So therefore there is no way to do these type of projects any more efficiently.

 So again I want to thank the village for acknowledging we need at least 4 passes and I want to keep it that way whether there is a booth rebuild not. We are creating an amazing team of carpenters at this point very many skills can be taught to others. I want to evolve a training concept for work parties whereby we certify people and specific skills and then they will be called to help in specific projects. 

Finally at this point I’m an elder but there is no one to replace what I do.  It takes a special set of skills. There is not one qualified carpenter that could also be the coordinator. Main reason I am holding on is because I believe in what we are doing and I believe it is an active part of the community to have a building crew. Well as to teach skills is essential. So I am looking for someone to replace me but it has to be a unique individual. For one, they must be a carpenter. I am a highly skilled individual. My skills are always needed at some point in the year. This person also has to have the ability to coordinate all different aspects of the project.  I want to be responsible for training this person if I were to leave. 

We have established an excellent relationship with the construction crew of the country fair. We have established crew and relationship building with the booth coordinators. Many years ago I asked the booth coords to take on individual construction coordinator positions for each booth. With few exceptions every booth has taken this responsibility seriously it does not require construction skills it requires coordination skills and responsibility. I have made any booth that needs to have a complete rebuild supply two responsible carpenters to help with the crew. With few exceptions the booths have rallied and done this. This needs to be understood by the council so they understand that even with 3 and 4 passes and each booth contributing we are still overworking certain people every year. I have worked for many years  Under difficult circumstances at times, to gain this understanding. 

I hope this example being set on how we can come together and work as a communIty is understood and appreciated. It has been a filling experience but at times very frustrating.  I appreciate the efforts the council have made to coordinate with me and the crew any help has always been greatly received. Thank you I can be contacted at 5415430624 for any questions. If anyone goes to the country fair and sees their booth needs repairs,I would appreciate knowing in advance. Thank you. Rick.

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